Friday, October 10, 2008

My Musical Week: Friendly Fires, TV on the Radio and Roots Manuva

The 2 people (Hi guys!) that have (somehow) stumbled upon this shambles of a blog  may have noticed that updates have been sparse. Someone, somewhere must be crying. But cry no more my friend! Cry no more, for Mister Maroon is to feed you a warm slice of musical pie, straight outta the awesome oven.

Friendly Fires:

Downloaded on the strength of breakthrough hit 'Paris', I was pleasantly surprised with the diversity within Friendly Fires' self titles debut. From the cheese-pop melodies of 'Hospital', to the (albeit St Albans-ish) LCD soundsystem-ey 'White Diamonds', and the wonderfully anthemic 'Jump in the Pool', the LP is bursting with new, fresh ideas. The kind of band that, if given radio play, would explode into the mainstream. I'm in two minds: a part of me wants to see them successful, but another wants to keep them a secret - all for me. But hopefully not- surely you connoisseurs of indie have them on 24 hr repeat, and are cursing me for my raffish ignorance of their subtly ironic comments on post modernism. Or some shit.

TV on the Radio:

As you may well know,  the NYC fivesome  released their fourth album recently. It's called 'Dear Science'. It's quite good. They've truly earned their 'experimental' credentials with this one, playing about with squeaky, childish vocals on Halfway Home, and breaking into a semi rap on 'Dancing Choose', before launching into a spaced out, flowery chorus. Although there's no 'Wolf Like Me' moment (Check that thang out by the way - absolutely seminal), its highlights are in the slower, harmonious moments, rather than the staccato Alt. Rock of their previous albums. Still, withoutadoubt worth a look in.

Roots Manuva:

Although I'm far from a hip-hop afficianado, I can tell you one thing: Roots Manuva is absurdly brilliant.  Being the tight bastard I am, I refrained from purchasing 'Slime and Reason' in its entirety, instead plumping for stand-out tracks 'I'm a New Man' and 'Again & Again'. 'Again & Again' is a ragga-infused, upbeat little number, with trumpets augmenting Manuva's sly lyrics. 'I'm a New Man' is a wholly different affair; dark social observations take the driving seat, while the beats are relegated to the bak seat. But most brilliant is the stupendously infectious opening lyric 'Whiskey man/Mr frisky man'. I defy you not to start humming that in the supermarket queue. 

So there we are. That's what's (almost exclusively) been filling my ears this week.

And to the two people who've read this far: drop me a shout!

Love to you all.
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1 comment:

Anadroid said...

I love TV On The Radio. Have you heard Foals ? They're really good David Sitek produced their album but they didn't like it so they just ditched his final mix...pretty crazy but their album ended up sounding really good. I haven't heard Friendly Fires yet but my friend said they were really pretentious and try-hard indie but I will see if I like them.